Joining us in Cuba with a team.
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Thank you for considering taking a team to Cuba with Daniel! Please review the steps and FAQs below. The following is a very brief overview. Please contact Daniel to talk more in depth about your specific trip details. Thank you!
STEP ONE Please contact us through email, our contact page, or through Facebook with a trip date. Let us know if you want to take a construction team or ministry team. We will check our schedule and confirm the dates or try to work out another date. Trips to Cuba generally need to be planned well in advanced, at the very least five to six months out. STEP TWO Please download the Religious Visa Applications for your team members. The applications need to be returned to Daniel four months before your trip. The religious visa money ($140 per application) need to be in Daniel's account five months before the trip. Daniel will then submit payment and forms in Havana, Cuba. STEP THREE Please register your trip with AGWM and fill out all the required information including international insurance payment.. The registration page has a link to other forms that you will need your team members to fill out. Thank you! STEP FOUR Prepare for the trip through praying and raising funds. Reserve and purchase airline tickets through Southwest, JetBlue, or American Airlines through Fort Lauderdale airport (preferred) or Miami airport. |
Team from Global University with Cuba Global students.
faq: how much does it cost to send a team to cuba?
Cost depends on where you are staying in Cuba, transportation in country for team size, the amount of days you are staying in Cuba, and airline tickets. Other costs include food, drinking water, Religious Visas, project funds, personal spending money, and offerings. Cost can be between $1,200-$1,700 per person for one week in Cuba. Please contact us to receive more specific information.
FAQ: How many people can be on a team?
We prefer keeping our teams under 15 members to make transportation and other logistics easier while in Cuba however we have made some exceptions to this rule.
FAQ: what ministry opportunities are open to a church team in cuba?
Construction teams and ministry teams which include, but are not limited to, conferences for ministers, marriage seminars, pastors' retreats, leadership training for children ministry workers, hospital donation efforts, sports outreach events, and others..
FAQ: Does your phone have coverage in cuba?
Most of the big phone carriers from the United States now work in Cuba, however it is important to understand that most of them charge an average of $2.99 per minute for all outgoing and incoming calls. They also charge an average of $.50 for every outgoing texts and $.05 for every incoming texts, for some carriers incoming texts are free of charge. Most all of these carriers also charge a data charge for all incoming data, even data that is incoming that you are not aware of, at a rate of between $1-$2 per MB (not GB). Some team members have discovered that if they speak to their carrier's international service department before leaving to Cuba they have been able to arrange a special deal for a flat fee (example: $10 per day while in Cuba including incoming/outgoing texts, specific amount of minutes per day, and specific amount of data per day.). You must contact your carrier and make these arrangements prior to traveling to Cuba. Not ALL carriers work in Cuba. Please confirm with your carrier.
IMPORTANT: If you wish not to be charged any additional phone charges while in Cuba, you MUST keep your phone on Airplane Mode or completely off whether you use your phone or not.
IMPORTANT: If you wish not to be charged any additional phone charges while in Cuba, you MUST keep your phone on Airplane Mode or completely off whether you use your phone or not.
FAQ: WIFI in Cuba
There is no free WIFI in Cuba. You must purchase a prepaid WIFI card. Depending on where the card is purchased it may cost from $2-$6 USD. for one hour of use.
While connected to WIFI many people choose WhatsApp for calling and texting friends and family. It is a less expensive option than using your phone. Pictures are easily sent through WhatsApp also.
While connected to WIFI many people choose WhatsApp for calling and texting friends and family. It is a less expensive option than using your phone. Pictures are easily sent through WhatsApp also.
FAQ: Weather in Cuba
There are generally two seasons in Cuba, in my opinion. Warm and Hot and usually very humid. Although there are some exceptions to this during the months of December through March. You may check Cuba weather on your weather app.
FAQ: Currency in Cuba
Cuba's official currency is the Cuban National Peso (CUP)
1. The official exchange rate of the Cuban Peso is $25 Cuban Pesos to $1 USD, however the unofficial exchange rate at this moment in 2022 is about $100 Cuban Pesos to $1 USD
2. The Cuban convertible has been eliminated.
IMPORTANT: United States based Credit cards do NOT work in Cuba at this time. The only exception to that is paying for an Antigen Rapid Covid -19 Test.
1. The official exchange rate of the Cuban Peso is $25 Cuban Pesos to $1 USD, however the unofficial exchange rate at this moment in 2022 is about $100 Cuban Pesos to $1 USD
2. The Cuban convertible has been eliminated.
IMPORTANT: United States based Credit cards do NOT work in Cuba at this time. The only exception to that is paying for an Antigen Rapid Covid -19 Test.